Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

YOU DID IT! YOU'VE BEEN CURED!! In fact, your 'gifts' made the demon queen fall in love with you, and now ... You're going to MARRY her!!!??? The bad news is that you made her SO fat that she can't waddle anymore... Oh no! Her huge butt just broke the floor of her castle, and it's going to fall on your brother!! Fortunately, for now, she got stuck because her belly is so fat... It's a shame you can't make her lose weight out of thin air...

Why is my brother in the isekai too!? Well, I don't see any bad news here. We'll just have to wait as long as it takes for her to lose a little weight naturally, then pull her up.

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