Anonymous Coward · 18d

Hello, miss. I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are. Although we’re not mutuals, I’ve noticed you on my timeline several times and couldn’t help but admire you from afar. I’m sorry I haven’t been brave enough to follow your account (I’m afraid you might feel uncomfortable). However, miss, I was wondering if there’s someone who has caught your attention recently?

apologies for the delay in responding to your message, sender. it’s been a while since i last checked retrospring and found your message in my inbox. thank you so much for your kind words... i really really really appreciate your honesty—it means a lot! your message has warmed my heart immensely. and uhm, i haven’t found anyone who’s caught my eye, karena… belum mau memulai hubungan baru juga. tapi, sender, why do you watch from afar when we could engage up close and interact directly? HAHA. i’m more than happy for us to follow each other. i’m approachable and promise i won't bite!

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