Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

ℰ   𓈒 boombox  𝜗𝒞 · 8mo

Subspace and Medkit wont' stop PHIGHTING! P H I G H that type of Phighting! They get together around midnight and have themselves a big fistfight! In the parking lot, they hate each other, at one point they had to work together! But now that they don't, they hate each other. It's bad, they hate each other. Medkit and Subspace, they punch face! In the parking lot whenever they can! It's the one thing they agree upon. They say hey what you doing next Monday? And the other one says Phighting! you! And then the first one says good! Let's do it! Phighting! They're always Phighting! Medkit and Subspace won't stop PHIGHTING!

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