Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Talk more about rpg hero bad ends you wanna do/see? Like what kind of heros and world they go meet their ends/futures in?

i fucking love stuff like tough warriors and barbarians who get humbled in a fight by a monster and then turned into a cumbrained fuck toy for the victor. The would-be-world-saving hero defeated by the evil demon lord's general and now he's just a hole to be passed around for all the evil minions to fuck endlessly all day. Adventuring party that gets ambushed by a massive slime/mimic and they're discovered hours/days/weeks later by another ground completely drained of cum, fucked by slime/tentacles/etc unable to move from sheer exhaustion, that type of shit its so good

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