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Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Have you ever eaten…. A person? Have you sent hundreds (or thousands) of people to the dungeon (your stomach)?

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Thoughts on lethal farts?

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

What’s your favorite prey?

Definitely unwilling, probably the kind who knows it's futile to fight back but still does, vain attempts and all that

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

What’s the most you’ve eaten in one sitting?

Was just a couple weeks back actually, just a lottt of meat and side dishes drenched in sauces in some fancy place I was at, was literally drunk off of food

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Blobby princesses that must eat thier weight in cake

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

How do you deal with peasants that dare to question your absolute authority as a princess?

Feed them prisoners or traitors of the crown and once big enough, just open wide as they get 'dropped in'... OR just use them as my new throne

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Favorite foods to fatten up cute girls with?

Pancakes.. Pancake batter... Cake... Cake mix... Pizza... Anything with grease... Anything popularised by America.. any sweet fattening mixture that's literal sludge that can be pumped into a girl... it's what i'd eat

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

idk if u like this anime, but i think it has a character u might like: carla from fairy tail, haughty uptight cat/catgirl, technically a princess, flat chest, & wears a 1 piece swimsuit in her human form

think those are all things u like

You're BASICALLY saying that's me. Wow

..Ohh ok nvm that's. that's actually pretty accurate

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Are you the fattest princess to ever exist?

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Alright, I'll be more specific. Who are some of your favorite characters?

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Who are some characters you personally think could use a few dozen (hundred (thousand)) extra pounds?

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