Anonymous · 21d

uh theres like a BIG and STINKY war going round here on the WWW (wolrd wide web) between Crafters (Minecraft fans) and Bloxers (roblox fans) so much that it even effects my school!
and it's going so VIRAL that it's all on the mainstream gamer channels like watchmojo plays and my personal favorite infomations youtuber "the infographics show"! and i thought they try to stay away from politics.
even my friend MarioAndFNFWithFNAFfFanEthanPlayz1234 said that "roblox SUCKS and i'm going to beat any POOPBLOCK fan ever" which Caused My Other Friend PibbyAnimeVtuberNumberblocksEarlTheGamer to say "Dude Did You Just Insult Wblox??? while you play myPISS? dude you are minedSTUPID of you're BRAIN because of how you gotten NONE"
this has went on for like 100 Comments and a half year In Real Life
so uhwhats Your Opinion Of It

My Opinion? i Hate These Games (Roblox and Minecraft) Because of Stinky Programing languages like "Lua" and "java" 2 of themost stupid and DUMB languages. NUMBERS START FROM 0 AND NOT ONE!! AND "0", 0, false AND NULL ARE DIFFERNT TYPES NOT THE SAME. WERE THEY ON CRACK(drugs) WHEN THEY MADE THESE TWO LANGUAGES?? THIS CRIME NEEDS JAIL TIME.
By The Way i like haskell
Whats Your Opinion Of It
Do You Like Roblox or Minecraft ?

I don't know much about these games, but I'm sure there's value to both of them if lots of people are playing them

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