Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 13 answers · 5mo

What do you do when your social battery is already drained...? /ᐠ_ _ᐟ\

I will rest as much as possible because I can't do my best when I'm tired, and I'm afraid of hurting other people's feelings if I force myself to socialize.

I like to take a long bath or shower to relax and unwind, and spend sometime alone to recharge.

If it’s about X, just scroll down the timeline without replying to all of the dms and mentions. Do you think it’s normal or nah? How about you?

I’m going to take some time off from social media, like I always do, and do something fun, like watching some movies.

Recharge it with my own way! Trying to find some new friends or new activities helps a lot.

I tend to recharge it by spending time with myself so I'd pause all of the interactions first and perhaps do a little me-time.

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