Anonymous Wanderer · 10mo

O que você acha o comportamento do seu filho ghalen e como você lida com esse comportamento?

He quietly translates to English, tapping on a laptop with his paw...

"What do you think of your son Ghalen's behavior and how do you deal with this behavior?"

Ah. Well, he's certainly a headstrong one. Not always in ways I approve of, but I've spent a lot of time in the Nameless Forest and hung out in regions where lots of Pokemon congregate. His assertive and swaggering attitude is NOT out of place there, trust me.

I wish he'd be less selfish and have more empathy, and I do punish his outlandish antics from time to time in order to guide him that way. But he's his own free spirit, and he can ultimately do what he likes... as long as he knows he'll reap both rewards and punishments for it. And not just from his parents either.

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