Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 9mo

bro i've never been to your retro but it comes off so fucking weird to make bizarre mistakes that make stuff straight up ugly and then be like "it's my style 🥺" cause it's just not... a style is doing something right in your own way not... making stuff look bad on purpose? making a drawing of a person look like a human being's body isn't "realism" cartoons also have to make sense.
having ppl come out to say "fuck the haters" is just embarrassing for YOU cause you're still shading with black and reposting grotesque stuff that is infinitely amusing to whoever criticized you just to make you mad with no constructive points and unfortunately does not even remotely annoy or piss them off.
if you're gonna draw a human penis and make it look like a dog snack that's just hilariously sad and then draw a real guy and shade him like he has 15 extra bones, vacuum packed individual muscles and was put through the chadyfier3000 and then??? cover him in grime? that's embarrassing and not for me... this one looks great fr idk what happened

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