Little Sprout Β· 2y

Of your character's, who do you feel like are your main muses? and who do you feel like is the most like you?

My main muses are definitely my gijinka gang πŸ˜­πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦ Piano, Pepper, Aiko, Serena and Beret. I have had them since High School so I'm very attached to them (the reason why I put them in a million the Pokemon League AU where they are trainers of course). For that AU I brought Tlali into de group and he's also rapidly growing on me....Also, even tho she's much more recent Clover is definitely another of my main babies....i love them so much πŸ˜­πŸ’–. THE MOST LIKE ME??? HMMMMMMMM PROBABLY CLOVER??? she started as a self-insert tbh but they quickly developed into their own character lol but they still got tidbits of me.

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