Little Sprout · 2y

Which au's are you favorite au's? why?

O|-<.......i love AUs.........
Anyway I have my top 3 favorites!! My current obsession, the Pokemon League AU, is obviously one of them. This one came to be because I was super immersed in Clover stuff but I missed my babies and tbh I thought no one would care for them as gijinkas so I tried making them into trainers but oh who would have thought I AM THE ONE OBSSESSED WITH THE AU NOW. And now I'm slowly making a fanregion lol. Second and third most indulgent AUs...TvT First is Corruption AU which is basically a BAD END AU and the main 5 are villains....kjndbkjddn Last one is the Familiar AU, where (surprise surprise) the gang make contracts with Legendaries and become their familiars. In here they all meet much later in life!
I like those last 2 cuz i can just...go crazy and do whatever because legendaries are more involved kjnkdjsdn

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