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Someone · 2mo

If you were to learn an additional language, what would you choose? (Can be multiple)

Someone · 2mo

What do you think of Teemo top lane with flash ignite? :3

Fiora I know this is YOU. That is FATHERLESS behavior learn to secure kills on your own!

Someone · 3mo

What are your opinion on dragons and got any friends that have a dragon oc?

Dragons are pretty varied so they can either be not for me or very hot. And the only dragon friends I have are jeryl(Jerylyena) Chi (ChibsArts)

Someone · 3mo

would you collab with daxterdingo?

Someone · 3mo

You a fan of jrpg? If so what’s your favorite jrpg?

Yea I am, if we talking purely turn based, Dragon Quest XI
But I prefer Action RPGS such as kingdom hearts

Someone · 3mo

How'd you come up with your sona?

Someone · 3mo

Relationship status?

Someone · 3mo

How did you come up with your sonas name?

Ragnarok? just always seemed cool to me, also Ragnor for short sounded like something ren and voli would name their child lol

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