Anonymous Coward · 22d

When did things at uni become rough?

late-2020 to late-2021. probably the second worst year of my life after 2023. as much as I tried to paint it all smiles and rainbows, it was awful.

  • COVID meant I wasn't exactly able to get fresh air much. it probably lead to my present agoraphobic tendencies.
  • the day before I moved in, my best friend died of cancer.
  • the landladies were extremely picky - doing just about anything would lead to "look, mold!" and a stern lecture about maintaining the house.
  • as much as I tried to paint it as cheerful, it... wasn't: I was in a house with someone who regularly verbally abused me; someone who raped me (cheating on his girlfriend in the process); and someone who was not all that available.

I'm not looking for sympathy - it happened, it's over, and I don't jump anymore when someone touches me.

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