Anonymous Coward · 22d

How did you end up doing hobby work with open tooling?

I reached a mental block when writing code, like I couldn't structure what I was writing in my head. So I gave up, and with a bunch of my friends doing PCB work, I decided I should try to experiment with logic in the form of cheap and available 74xx ICs. do you check your circuit is actually correct? Software like logisim is quite painful to work with for large enough circuits. That lead to the thoughts of a project myself and my best friend naively wanted to do: build a GPU, and so we'd very vaguely learned Verilog. If you can write logic in Verilog, you can use the comparatively good simulation tools to make sure it works, and then transfer that circuit to kicad (or as I would learn from Pepijn later, directly emit a kicad netlist). So, I joined #yosys, and asked a question about how easy it would be to target 74xx logic. The rest is history :p

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