Swanty A. · 5 answers · 15d

suggest me a movie dong teman-teman!! i'm up with any type of genre, tapi kalau boleh thriller & horor ya! Tapi apapun juga boleh kok, nanti aku akan tonton :3c

kalauuu thriller i can suggest you society of the snow && nowhere!! movie nya tipikal survival thriller gituuu but sowwy i cant suggest you any horror movies SOALNYA AKU CUPU ;___;

maaf kalo thriller & horror aku nggak punya rekomendasi soalnya aku penakut.. tapi coba nonton a bright place itu bagus bgt!!

hi, swanty! i would like to recommend Us, The Descent, Ready or Not & Midsommar. film thriller yang bener-bener bikin aku kebayang-bayang terus. & GAK MASUK AKAL?! but highly recommend if u looking for “thriller movie”... hope you like it & enjoy:3

My fav horror movies tuh Conjuring series, annabelle, the nun, pokoknya yang se universe itu. Thriller menurutku coba kamu tonton Resident Evil dari chapter pertama sampe after life, seruu

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