Mario. · 5 answers · 12mo

Kalian bisa jelasin nggak rasa sayang kalian ke ayah/bapak kalian seperti apa? Aku mau tahu dan mau baca, buat ngobatin rasa kangenku ke alm. bapak.

Even tho I hate my father for some reason, I still love him as my father. No explanation needed it. He’s enough for the fathers figure in my life.

aku juga kangen sama ayahku. semoga ayah aku dan bapak kamu bahagia di sana ya! rasa sayangnya itu emang beneran kaya cinta pertama. beliau orangnya baik banget, penyayang, humoris, pekerja keras. pokoknya keren banget. he is my role model <3

Wah… susah sih, tapi kalau disuruh jelasin aku kayaknya gak bakal bisa :D aku sayang banget sama papa to the point that if I could give everything in this world to repay what he has done for me, I would.

Aduh aku sebenernya jarang ngobrolin topik kayak gini. Kalo ditanyain sayang mah ya sayang banget, namanya juga orang tua ya. Tapi kadang ada satu momen yang bikin aku sakit hati karena entah itu perkataan atau perilaku beliau ke aku. Jadi kadang aku suka sebel sendiri gitu, but still, I love my ayah so much. Doa terbaik buat ayahnya nini, love you cayang. 🩶

I’m not that kind of person who get closed with their parents, I even sometimes hated them for the way they treat me. But as I grow up and my parents get older I realized that parents are also human too. Just like us. They can be emotionally unstable at the time and how I love them is to forgive when they are at their unstable phase. They never tell me they love me but I know they already do so much to me and each day I am trying to become a better person for them. Because life isn’t always about happiness there are ups and downs, good or bad. It’s all about how we forgive and being kind each day.

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