Shy balloon · 8mo

What is the experience of a garden sprayer compared to a regular handpump? Is it the intensity that has you keep coming back to it?

The experience between the two is pretty vast. The handpump is slow but it really lets you fill to your max and potentially overfill.

With the sprayer, it's fast but very intense. It's high pressure to low in the matter of a few seconds. And I love it! But it's not something I'd recommend for everyone. It's not as safe, and the only reason I feel comfortable doing it, is I've been doing this for 13+ years.

For me coming back to it over and over, it's a speed thing. When I really want to inflate and be horny, I'll turn to the sprayer, if I want to have a long till and get to my biggest size, I'll go aquarium pump.

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