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A Mere Piece · 11mo

Give me the precise measurement of Willard's chest

That one Tiffany Pollard clip of "I know his dick is big" but instead it's his chest

A Mere Piece · 11mo

would Battler and Jessica do fortnite duos and would they be good

Obviously!! I do think Jessica is a bit of a Gamer™ and Battler probably has a lot of beginner luck so they get a couple of wins. Sometimes they get Kanon for trios and then he carries them and they win almost evertime

A Mere Piece · 11mo

what 7th gen videogame console would the cousins each own (or like the most) and what would they play?

Battler-PS3 would probably play the popular games Uncharted/Last of Us. George-Xbox 360 VERY invested in the console wars, swears by the 360. Plays the handful of exclusives they had, and cries that they are way better than ps3's. Jessica-Wii plays loads of stuff: Wii sports, Zelda, Mario Galaxy gets family members to play with her. Maria-PSP cheating a little bit She loves the God of War games but also like stuff like Loco Roco and Patapon

A Mere Piece · 11mo

fav fortnite skin?

A Mere Piece · 1y

But y you so cool tho

A Mere Piece · 1y

alright what’s your umi character tier list, or just wtc characters

JUST WTC CHARACTERS?????? Do you know how many there are in total?? I might do one someday, but it would take a while (also my opinions change often, so it would not be that reliable) Anyways Top 1 characters will always be Beatrice(Yasu) and this is not subject to change ever

A Mere Piece · 1y

Who is zero escape and wtc would get along best?

First thing that came to mind was Phi and Ange strangely. They are both smart and absolutely done with dealing with dumbasses. Speaking of them, Battler and Sigma. Being in the same room as them would be insufferable (affectionate). Last but not least is Akane and Beato. Both are girlbosses and probably could talk about "magic" for hours

A Mere Piece · 1y

What wtc character did you despise at first but then absolutely fall for them later on?

Shannon. At first I didn't like her. Thought she was just a basic tradwife trope. Oh boy was I wrong...

A Mere Piece · 1y

what are the top 5 most gender characters to you

  1. Phi (Zero Escape) 2. Setsu (Gnosia) 3. Rika (Pokemon) 3. Lord el Melloi 2nd (Fate) 5. Otto Suwen (Re:zero)
A Mere Piece · 1y

Anything you're excited/hyped for?

A couple things! Video Games: Ciconia Phase 2, Hollow Knight Silksong, Silent Hill F, Zelda:Tears of the Kingdom, Hades 2. Anime: Witch hat Atelier, Sousou no frieren. TV Shows: Our flag means death season 2. I guess that's more than a couple lol

A Mere Piece · 1y

Is Bernkastel a furry

Yes! Lambda too! But they are also the kind that is very vocal about how they hate furries and want them dead

A Mere Piece · 1y

What's the weirdest sandwich u ate?

One time when I was in Britain for vacation I had a tuna paste and ketchup sandwich. It did not go well together at all

A Mere Piece · 1y

What is the last mischief Bern and Kastel did?

So many!! They keep waking me up in the morning even though they still have a bowl full of food! They keep scratching at my wardrobe and my wallpaper!
That being said, they are my babies and I love them <3

A Mere Piece · 1y

what's for dinner?

Your ass oomfie. Get over here 🤤🍴 /j
Fr tho I need to actually go buy groceries, because my fridge is empty

Melody 🍓 · 1y

What do you think about the city of books in episode 8?

Really cool idea and a very memorable mental image. Also pretty funny in non-Meta since it's just Tohya making a jab at Ikuko for hoarding too many books

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