Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

People I've never known. · 2y

Good evening, Jarvis. Thank you for understanding my reason that I still can't show up on your dm. Anyway, I told you to choose a number before and each number have a meaning behind it (7=Star, 3=Cookies and 2=Moonlight.) Because you choose 7, starting from tonight I will call you with Star, a Star who always make the sky looks beautiful at night! And in my opinion it suits you pretty well since you look so shinning! Anyway mind to tell me how was your day? Is everything going well? Anyway, I'm still choosing the right time when I will show up to your dm because I'm still preparing myself! Please don't be surprised when I finally showed up!đŸ™ˆ

Hey sender, i just checked again here it's okay I'll wait for your appearing on my dm. Thank you for making that cutest name, yesterday is going so fine, hope you do too.

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