Fussel · 12mo

Do you also do animate tf?

(Apologies for the delay in getting to these, been busy irl, still am, infact!)
I do, yeah! Even if I do tend to take a more reptilian theming, I do branch out what kinds of tfs I do, since, whats the point in sticking to the same exact thing over and over, even if it is fun, variety IS important, I believe! And leaning into that, why don't we begin by giving you a less robotic nature, turning nanites into flesh and fur... Maybe even changing the labcoat to a nice robe, decorated in mystical symbols. Why don't we change that fur to feathers as well, as black as the night sky, with specs of white for stars... paws into talons as well, arms into wings...~ And a nice beak, with a wizard's hat appearing on your head, making you into a raven wizard, able to channel the powers of the cosmos!

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