Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Reader · 12mo

Hello admin! Lately I've been really invested on reading novels at Kakaopage lately but sometimes i want to find a good story outside of the top 300, do you know how to do that? Thank you

Hi! There are a lot of ways to discover new novels with good stories, which usually have 9.0+ ratings (so it is recommended to check that and some comments before indulging in the story). Personally, some methods I recommend would be: (1) clicking 이 작품과 함께보는 웹툰 in which readers of the novels you are currently enjoying read as well; (2) looking at the 키워드 and finding the tags that you like the most at the novel you're reading and clicking it to show works with such plot or troupe; (3) Looking at the author's other works at the 이 작가의 다른 작품 part and (4) Look at content creator's or fellow novel reader's recommendation to find hidden gems because it always works (at least for me). Hope this helps!

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