Secret Lizard Lover · 1y

Your oc rose I know you have a few ocxship children? Can you their names and explain them?😘👉👈

Absolutely! Rosé's oldest is Ruko, his father is her old owner, but he considers his father(s) to be Queen, Vincent and Denaliar.
Next are Clover, Scratch, Vinyl and Harmony who are all Rosé and Vincent's children. Clover was named by Rosé, Vinnie named the rest! Clover grows up to run her own large, popular casino. Vinyl and Harmony are trans, Vinyl being FtM and Harmony being MtF, Scratch is just Scratch, he gets fleas a lot.
Next are Prince and Prosecco, clones of Queen and Rosé. He took their DNA and artificially inseminated Rosé with it. Prince is incredibly autistic, looks like Queen in brachio form!
After them we have more Queen x Rosé children!
Marigold, Nugget, Peanut, Oshi, Rickshaw and Dandelion, then later on they have Void and a little albino lizard who doesn't have a name yet!
Marigold looks the most human out of ALL Rosé's kids, but she still has lizard features too! Nugget, Peanut, Oshi, Rickshaw, Dandelion and the albino don't have designs yet, but I have a rough one in the works for Nugget, and I also know what I'd like Oshi to look like!
I also have another design in the works for a child called Thunder, all in all Rosé has a LOT of children and still more to come!
That's not even to mention the other kids she'll have with Vinnie or Denaliar, also not to mention her grandkids too because she has a few of those as well!
One day I will make a family tree and it will be gigantic!

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