Secret Lizard Lover · 1y

Do you block other people who also like your F/Os?

Yes, I do. As a non-sharing yume (and insane person) it can be hard seeing characters that mean so much to me shipped with someone else whether that’s an OC or a canon character. The only OC I’ve been okay with Queen being with for example are Vincent and Den; Vincent is my own OC so that’s automatically fine and Den is too irresistible and completes the quad poly. (Also bc he has sexy lore with Queen and I had to make it canon-)
I’m not going to go out of my way to hate on or harass people who also like Queen or like particular ships with him, but I’d prefer not to see it myself. So if you’re a mutual of mine and you like a Queen ship or a ship involving my other F/Os and I haven’t blocked you? It means ur cool but I just will not look at it.

I’m not a fan of Queen x King at all for example, but a lot of the JP artists I follow draw them sometimes, I got no issues with that- Sometimes I’ll be okay seeing it, sometimes I won’t! I have to be feeling really insane to block over it!

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