Roadhog and Jimbei's Trans Husband · 1y

How did you fall for Queen and Luke? Did you have any other fictional crushes before them?

Queen it was love at first sight when I saw the first Wano opening, though I was in denial for a little bit before I ‘accepted’ it. With Luke I’ve always thought he was hot for years but back then, didn’t know I was fictosexual or what self-shipping was, so wasn’t until more recently I got back into Hellsing and immediately snatched him-
I’ve had other crushes before them from before I knew I was fictosexual, James from Pokémon, Jushiro Ukitake, Shinji Hirako and Rojurou Otoribashi, Szayelaporro Granz and more from Bleach, though my only F/Os from Bleach now are Rojurou and Szayel. I’ve loved Nemesis from Resident Evil for years too!
There are probably more too-

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