Secret Lizard Lover · 11mo

Why did you stop shipping Calypso with Queen?

It didn’t feel right because she was never a self-insert to begin with and I began to hate her for it. When I first started to like Queen, I was too “afraid” to make a real self-insert because of my at the time bf. I knew he’d go off and bitch and moan about it and I didn’t want to deal with it, so I settled for an OC instead. I still drew her for self-ship September even though she was never an insert lmao. One day after I’d broken up with said bf for a while, I said screw it and did what I should have done from the get-go and made a real self-insert and changed the ship to Queen and Rosé, as it always should have been.
Probably why I don’t draw Calypso anymore, bc I began to hate her for a while lmao. I don’t anymore but I’m too focused on QueenRosé to do anything else.

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