Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Btw I don't blame you yaa, it's all good. Tadi kebetulan di antara kita, you were the one who passed by on the timeline first, jadi gue mampir ke Retro lu. I don't know, I'm just feeling all nostalgic and missing those times we shared together in 2021. Sebenernya pengen ngumpulin kita bareng-bareng lagi tapi kayaknya nggak bisa ya? I really cherish the time we spent together, even though things are a bit different now.

Gapapa... Gue mengerti, Nder. Gue juga kangen banget masa masa 2021 itu. Ayo muncul dulu di DM gue, kita usahakan berkumpul bersama lagi. DM gue selalu open kok, emang mungkin keadaan udah beda tapi gue selalu pengen reach temen-temen deket lama gue dan mengusahakan untuk keep it close. Ayo muncul please km siapa? :(((

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