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Strangers · 7mo

Kenapa kok bisa dekat banget sama Kaede?

Ya, karena saya sama dia sudah akrab. Kita sering ngobrol, main Genshin bareng, dan meski gak sering, saya sama dia juga suka nonton film bareng. Kalau udah sering ngelakuin hal-hal bareng masa iya gak dekat?

Kaede · 6 answers · 7mo

gays lagi sering dengerin lagu apa akhir akhir ini (butuh rekomendasian)

Strangers · 7mo

Lg deket sm lake?

Strangers · 7mo

First impression ke Amara, Om xD

Emang boleh minta impresi di sini, Amara? Menurut om, Amara awalnya kelihatan punya intellectual femininity brain dan gak gampang terbuka, ya? Tapi seiring berjalannya waktu, ternyata kamu anak yang periang. Kalau secara deskripsi, terbayang kalau kamu punya banyak energi di dalam tubuh mungil itu. Terakhir, kamu ternyata suka iseng juga anaknya.

Klein · 4 answers · 7mo

If you're a public figure, what kind of scandal do you think you'd likely get into?

It might be some misunderstanding blown out of proportion. People tend to jump to conclusions without knowin' the full story. Let's say, if there's gossip going around about me switchin' partners often or folks thinkin' I'm some kind of gigolo, you might hear my name tied to one of those rumors, or it could be because I got caught up in a fight or two.

Kaede · 6 answers · 7mo

menurut kalian kenapa orang tiba tiba double text kita padahal nggak urgent

Strangers · 7mo

Are you currently interested in someone??

Do I need to explain this further, sender? Just kidding. I do indeed have an interest in someone, and certainly, it's not Kaede. That's why I find myself in a position where I'm not suitable to be anyone's crush right now. Kalau mau saya naksirnya Kaede bisa minta dia untuk jadi halus sama saya sedikit aja lewat Retro-nya, ya?

Strangers · 7mo

Fi buat Kaede!

To be honest, he's actually quite amusing to poke fun at. I like how he interacts with people around him, it boosts my mood. Deep down, he's really a good kid tapi emang bawaannya suka bikin saya emosi. Gak tahu kenapa dia galaknya sama saya aja, mungkin karena dia naksir saya. Emang anaknya itu tsundere akut dan tukang denial, kalau bilang lucu pasti dia langsung ciut ngilang. Minimal dia baikin saya dulu baru saya lanjutin long fi buat dia.

Kaede · 4 answers · 7mo

ngeong dulu kalau mau difollback

Strangers · 7mo

Ternyata kaede itu lucu kalau ditangan orang yang tepat. Minat lihat kalian sampai jadian 🤣

Kamu seharusnya bisa ngerti perasaan saya sebegai owner, yakali saya pacaran sama peliharaan saya sendiri?

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