Faceless Drifter · 1y

I've got a few questions ^^ Just some simple things.

-What's yer favorite pokemon (besides Lucario if that is your No1~)?

-How big is too big poof... if there is such a things

-If you weren't a Lucario, what would you be?

-Do you have a favorite Shape? Number?

-What's a fun game you've played, not a favorite, but one you enjoy?

1 - Hard to say, I don't have a top favorite, lucario happened to be one of the first pokemon I had ~feelings~ for when they were revealed. Picking some random ones, Deoxys and the Regi trio, gen 3 was a pretty big deal to me.

2 - Hmm, I'd say point of being immobile is too much, but I'd say that about most kinks for me. Even though I like hyper a lot, I prefer things having "form" over simply more of a thing.

3 - A cinderace!

4 - Triangle. And my favorite number is a secret ;]

5 - Inscryption is very cool!

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