Sleet · 26 answers · 26d

This is actually interesting &&. I love tierlists for some reason. Anywho, my placement made me laugh and I would be interested in seeing more things like this in the future ^_^!

Y'know what, sure, I'll take that lol. I was once joked to be the type to apologize even with a hypothetical knife stuck in my back so it checks out.

it's funny how you assumed "you'd kill me" when you had zero information about me

CRYING OVER HERE. I'm 14 and 4'10, but I work out.
Also, I like to lift multiple of my friends for living. I MIGHT DESERVE THAT SPOT.

Oomf i hate to Tell u this but im an 18 Year Old 6'2 Man That cant even lift 25 pounds . I AM NTO BEATING UR ASS

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