Sleet · 12 answers · 27d

I’m not participating so this wasn’t really directed at me, but still… I wasn’t around the first time and I didn’t know it was a thing! I think it’s cute to see though… even when it is just their pfp, it’s sort of reaffirming their love for the character in a way, I guess? I’m honestly curious what anyone would say for me though… I haven’t been active enough for anyone to answer, I think!

YES i was around when it first started circulating in 2023 😋 and it was just as obnoxious back then as it is now

I was here for the first time it went around , still fun to see it here for the second time tho!

for the question- i associate with that one person who was your evil twin, oh and that one guy with blue hair you had as your pfp once..

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