ऻ  𝙳𝖾𝖺𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝙶𝗎𝖾s͟t͟. · 9d

If that’s the case then, how do you blur it in a “circle way” to fit the discord profile? (I looked at the image you sent!) Sorry if I’m asking for much.. TT

You’re not ‘asking too much’ at all,dear one,worry not.
I use Ibis Paint X to blur the edges in that shape,but a much easier ﹠ hassle—free way would be to use this website ﹠ mess around with the settings as you see fit.

Retrospring uses Markdown for formatting

*italic text* for italic text

**bold text** for bold text

[link](https://example.com) for link