ऻ  𝙳𝖾𝖺𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝙶𝗎𝖾s͟t͟. · 8d

What are some of Brother’s favorite quotes ... ?

I do not feel like I have many...⠀But here is a rather long one from my favorite book

「 We once turned to philosophy for an interpretation of God,for that which lies beyond our comprehension.⠀But philosophy has relinquished its authority to data.⠀Now we know too much,especially what people want ﹠ how to give it to them.⠀Religion is no longer a site of our interminable struggle with negativity. Religion,shorn of philosophy,is now a vending machine for manifestation ﹠ fulfillment.⠀That’s why there are so many lowercase gods in this secular,cynical era. Oblivious to the contradiction,we yearn for spiritual practices that will make us worthy of receiving permanent answers ﹠ solutions 」

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