ऻ  𝙳𝖾𝖺𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝙶𝗎𝖾s͟t͟. · 8d

hi brother! i love your rentries and seeing you around dinkles, it brings me a lot of comfort. what color combinations that you havent yet used for rentries that youd love to in the future?

sorry if this sent twice btw it lagged a bit

Your words make me truly happy,dear anon,I am glad I am able to bring you comfort in a way ﹠ that you enjoy my work. 🤍🩸

As for that second part...⠀Such a good question!⠀I’ve been wanting to experiment with colors for a while now⠀—⠀maybe try out darker or more saturated ones.

But the color combinations I am most excited to try out in the future are⠀→ Dark browns ﹠ muted oranges﹔ Pink,sage green ﹠ teal﹔ White,muted blues ﹠ yellows﹔ Dark grays ﹠ blues...⠀﹠ many more,really

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