
You may have seen me on twitter, i am a fat folk enjoyer,
20, AUDHD, any/all pronouns,

Hopefully under some big ol tummies
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mkkarate · 2mo

Could you draw a shiny reshiram in blue kimono pls

Crabapple · 4mo

can i make a very stupid and dumb request

Crabapple · 4mo

hiya! i was thinking of commissioning you and was wondering if you would be comfortable if it was some feedism shenanigans with one of my ocs and your gyaru oc?

Absolutely!! This sounds like a lot of fun, def open to drawing other ocs with mine! <3

Crabapple · 4mo

i am at 340 pounds now so hopefully you can still use me for weightlifting >:3

Crabapple · 6mo

Apple dick length plz

Like a table leg, massive. If i get hard i pass out from lack of blood flow to brain. Hope this helps!!

Crabapple · 6mo

Best femboy hair color for a fatty?

Blue is always kinda based in my opinion!! Might as well give em pronouns while you are at it :)

Crabapple · 6mo

Bustyboys or muscle-girls?

Crabapple · 7mo

are you into drawing hyper pregnant sizes? if so, are you a fan of extreme sizes or just regular hyperpreg?

Hmmmm i am into a lot of extremes tbh!! Ive never draw hyper preg before but i am def not opposed to it!!

Crabapple · 11mo

Now I'm curious~ how much cum could Juno's belly hold?

Scientists have pondered this for ages, but all i can legally tell you is it is more than you would think ;3

Crabapple · 10mo

Big soft slobby boy with an ass so wide and vertically massive they get caught in a door and turns the room they tried leaving into a gas chamber

You son of a bitch I’m in!!! You really painted me a word picture and who am i but an appreciator of art?

mq_soft_boy · 1y

Okay if I were to kock up Junno would he just have bun in the oven or a whole litter???

Oh a whole little for sure. slaps top of Juno’s belly like a car salesman this bad boy can fit so much cum in it

LaFfyTaffy · 1y

Can you make a puffed up blowfish face

Crabapple · 1y

Has there been any comms where you turned it down for being too weird?

I have not turned down commas for being weird, so long as it isn’t illegal and i think i can draw it, i will draw it!!!

Crabapple · 1y

Can you draw a sexy fat female petrosapien

I do not know what a Petrosapian is, but from googling its from Ben 10? I will investigate further

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