Anonymous Coward · 1y

I'm telling the biggest lie of my life if I say I don't want to come forward. But it seems that you are out of my league. So, let me adore you in silence instead. Have a wonderful day, lovely Essie. Please don't skip your meals.

Hey, it’s okay. I know how it feels to be in love (wink) with someone and too shy to even wave at her /j. I’m flattered beyond words; your beautiful words made my day. I’m not able to sustain your cuteness (not imply sugar coating.) And in each specific case, I’m a human, though. If there is an opportunity in between, seize it. I’m much obliged for your cute energy; it boosts my serotonin, I owe you one. Worry not, and rest assured. Frankly, it’s an honor to have someone like you around who adores me unconditionally. Also, don’t skip your dinner, ya? 😉

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