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Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Have you read the Chronicles of Dora’s? If so I’d love for you to draw the two main characters 😅

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Can we expect some greddie for pride month?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

I hate how I saw all of your BG3 art (very beautiful) and had no idea what it even was until long after you posted them since I got the game so late. I feel so behind in appreciating them all 😔 but I love your art- overall. Keep being you!

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

How do you practice drawing these spicy things? References or just like. Brain doing the gay? Bc mood but idk where to find references of what I wanna create? If that makes sense?

Good mix of both! Sometimes googling simple poses can already help. You can check my tumblr where I tried to make some longer answers for this topic

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Finally played Stray Gods and omg thank you so much for feeding us so good! Loving all the Grace and Freddie art <3

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Is it okay to use your art as ref/inspiration to pick up nsfw art?

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

I'm sorry, but can we expect a follow up from that greddie strapon comic? Thank you so much for your services! Me and my girlfriend love your art

I’ve been THINKING but didn’t really land anywhere yet… gotta think a little harder mayhaps. Thank u <3

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

How do you challenge yourself artistically?

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

any chance there will be some more persephone content in the future? asking for a friend hehe

Yeahyeah i have thought👀 i’m drowninf in wip soup right now i just need to get out if this mess 😂

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Just wanna say I finished Stray Gods and your Greddie art is giving me all the feelings! Love them and your art so much

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Your art is beautiful! At the moment I'm especially in love with your Persephone & Grace pieces. You really capture them well!

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

wipes tear from eye moon bath, it's beautiful

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

how much do i have to pay for u to draw some xena and gabrielle!! D:

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Sleepy is some masterpiece work

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