Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 6mo

I know you like tearing people apart, but what about the non-gory kinds of vore? Would you be into the idea of lending a hot cozy spot inside yourself to someone else~? Could be any place uwu

i potentially could !! wolfmom mode activate, protect the needy furries who need a safe and warm place to curl up :3 so while i look fondly towards vore, i am not particularly interested in it myself as the vore-ee EXCEPT for toy vore, since it doesn’t include acidic or otherwise gross digestive fluids all over me which is my main issue with it, and it’s moreso a tight, comforting squeeze of safe and soft things like plush, vinyl, latex, etc,,, mmmmmmmfff and i love bondage, So Much. soft but heavily restrictive bondage that’s possible with things like plush, latex, and pooltoys is so cool and based, maybe even swag and epic

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