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Cloaked Teapot · 2mo

Tearose. It almost slipped my mind. I mentioned I’d drop by, and it suddenly hit me when I woke up. So, I figured I’d swing by right away before I forgot again. I just wanted to ask what’s your go-to song for this week? I’ll give it a listen, especially if it’s something new to me.

Hello there, my dearest Teapot! I do believe you are right, I think I got you this time around. Yes, I have a few songs for you, and here they are:

1. Love Is All Around by Wetter

2. Stereo Driver by Q

3. For You by LeeHi (feat. Crush)

Perfect! Here is the compilation of songs I have for you. Hope you enjoy them to your satisfaction! Have a lovely day ahead, dear ♥︎

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