Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Nameless · 11mo

Hello Ci, it's completely fine. It feels like it's been a long time since I wrote something like this, may I ask how you are this week? Coba aja kalau mau, gak ada salahnya gak megang Hp sehari, aku jadi mau coba juga. It looks like you're being attentive to me? 😄 Anyway happy Thursday Ci, I hope your day is filled with good vibes. Theme Retrospring barunya bagus, cakep kaya yang punya.

Hi Anon, I’m doing pretty well this week. I feel relaxed now after the ups and downs of the last few weeks. Saya hari ini sempat melakukan itu, walaupun hanya sebentar. Tapi sepertinya bisa tercapai cita-cita “sehari dalam seminggu tidak pegang Handphone” saya ini. 😂 Hm? I’ve always been attentive to you, Anon. Maafkan saya yang energinya belakangan ini mudah terkuras, ya? I promise to fill my energy faster. Happy Friday, Anon. Enjoy the rest of the day and have a great upcoming weekend. Terima kasih pujiannya, saya senang kalau kamu menyukai tema baru saya.

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