duck189490 · 2mo

So to introduce myself, I have been lurking around the enstars fandom for a while and wanted to hear an opinion from some enstarries on twt.

Thoughts on the statement " Is it unfair/fair to ignore or judge a story based on one dialogue or scene, even if said dialogue or scene severely assassinates or butches the character". On one hand OOC dialogue or scenes might serve as warnings to how poor the writing quality is, but on the other hand its one OOC line or scene not the whole plot.

Personally I don't think its fair 🤔 one dialogue is not the whole story. But if it's repeatedly happen, it no longer one dialogue or scene but the chara themself 🤔 so it would be fair to judge?

But then again i'm not one to judge much about writing quality so i won't speak about that. It's just enstars character is written by several writers while common sense should be regardless who write things they should be the same, i feel like it kinda hard to not notice the difference between writers

And i know everyone has their own fav moment of the chara and some other moment might be the thing they'd hate the most but really pick what you like and just close your eyes on what you don't like.

Although back to the question. In the end for me I'll judge it based on how severe the butchering is. If its something like natsume choking sora bcs he looked like tsumugi, i personally will just pretend it never happen. But if the "ooc" ness or like "butchering" character is part of their moment of weakness or just the rare trait that barely show up, I wouldn't count it still as part of story. This case is like those moment where character showing their dark tendency eventho fandom always been thinking theyre a sweet and good person.

But yeah its just my opinion wwww

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