Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 11mo

sorry if its asked often, but im curious what really got you into heavensward! i like heavensward a lot as well, but im curious what caught your attention when first starting ffxiv :)

I've never gotten this question..! I started playing xiv in late shb, and at the time I wasn't particularly enamored with that many NPCs... It wasn't until later when I started to level other classes, read the short stories, & care more about the little details of plot that I came to learn about the ward and all the members we don't get to see. I kinda took a nosedive in like 2021 w/ ward & elezen content, lol. Just dug around, found whatever I could, learned what they did, said... Found myself going back thru pixiv and twitter to find old fanart-- i'm sure it makes sense, lol. Just took a dive and then haven't recovered... DSR made it way, way worse. lol

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