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Anon · 8mo

is there a place that sephine likes to visit in particular? anywhere she hates to go?

She loves to travel! She's a nerd, so I'm sure she enjoys places like Radz at Han & her alma mater (Sharlayan), but I also think she just enjoys being around different places and people.

For places she hates... Her parents home in Ishgard, and anywhere where it's too hot! Though I think she can handle casting a little cooling magic for places that are unbearable. She doesn't like Labyrinthos (from a technical standpoint and whats done there she thinks it's extremely cool but I also think she'd find a completely artificial zone deeply unsettling. She feels the same towards the Bestways Burrows, but they get a pass because they are both cute, and didn't know any better)

She likes birds and the ocean, so I think she enjoys Thavnair and Limsa...

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