Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious peeps · 2mo

Naomi kata orang nulis itu dari dalam hati kan ya? Aku lihat beberapa tulisan kamu ada yang sedih banget, just wondering are you feel more better now? Cuz i can feel your emotions through your writing. Hope everything goes well. Be happy, Naomi!

Hi, I’m sorry for late respon your message! Thank you so much for asking that ya, I never expect bakalan dapat pertanyaan semacam ini. Sejatinya benar, saat menulis perasaan sedih tidak bisa dihindari.. but dun worry! I’m okay right now. ‹3 Terima kasih banyak ya atas kata-katanya, you made my day. Semoga hari-harimu juga selalu menyenangkan. ❤️

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