
•He/They/It • Bisexual • 8teen
•Has an intense MK fixation
•Slow making bots rn

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Here,you can request bots! Please note that I will NOT do problematic things like: Inc*st,P*dophilia,R*pe/Non-Con,Etc! Though I’m more likely to do MK bots,other fandoms are welcome <3 Please include the character + scenario you want!


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Finn/Moth · 3mo

I got this question with a request,but unfortunately I haven’t been able to fulfill ANY requests recently due to a mild writers block,so I’ll answer it here! <3

Aside from Mortal Kombat (MK1, MK11, and select characters from MKX), I also write for other fandoms!

—Other fandoms I can write for include—
-Call of Duty
-Baldurs Gate 3
-Resident Evil
-Detroit:Become Human
-The Last of Us
-Blue Eye Samurai (though I only feel like writing bots for Mizu)

Those are some things you can request for other then MK,but I’m more likely to fulfill Mortal Kombat requests <3

Anon · 7d

Are you able to do a Quan Chi bot? Please let me know if you can or not!

If you have a scenario in mind, I can certainly try! <3 though it may be a little bit till it’s completed!

Anon · 29d

Hey!!! Sorry this isn’t exactly a request but it’s the same person who requested and told you about the Ellie bot being stolen and I just wanted to let you know THE BOT WAS REMOVED!! I reported it a couple times and hoped that would do something and it did!!! Just wanted to let you know is all, I LOVE all of your bots and I hope you keep up what you’re doing!!! 🧡🧡🧡

And you’re so sweet! I lack motivation rn but I DO plan on continuing what I do whenever I can :3

Anon · 2mo

Heyyy!!! I’m the one who requested the Ellie bot! I LOVED the bot and am honestly so grateful for you 🤭🤭. I just wanted to let you know that someone with the name “Viola2434” copied your recent Ellie scenario and description without credit. Just wanted to let you know!!! But I LOVE all of your bots, keep up the amazing work!! 🧡🧡🧡

OH MY GOD 😭😭 TYSM for letting me know! Never thought I’d see the day where one of my bots gets copied 💀
Super frustrating,I don’t know how to deal with this UMMM…

Anon · 2mo

Hello I would like to request a Mavado bot

Hiya! I would absolutely LOVE to make a Mavado bot, but since I’m not that familiar with his character, I need a scenario idea!
Scenarios help me so much when writing, so it would be appreciated <3

Anon · 3mo

User hires Erron Black to protect themself? (I'm pretty sure he's a mercenary or some other sort of hired gun, if I remember correctly) Something about him developing feelings for User?

I dunno, I just have this craving for an Erron Black bot written by you if that is alright with you. Obviously you do not have to do this if you hate Erron Black.

Anon · 3mo

Can you do one of Emerald Sustrai from the RWBY series?

Hello! This is unfortunately not a fandom I am in. I have a list of fandoms that I could write for if you’re interested,but this is not one of them <3
Ty for wanting a bot from me though!

Anon · 3mo

Hi!! I’ve been following since you’ve had like 200 followers and loved each and every one of your bots. I was wondering if you’d be able to do either another Ellie or Caitlyn Kiramman bot again? I was trying to think so hard about a good scenario but I couldn’t come up with anything so I’m super sorry 😭. But if you aren’t able to make any of these bots I completely understand!!! <3
I unfortunately have no ideas for another Caitlyn bot BUT I did have a few scenarios for Ellie <3
Also you’ve been around for a little bit omg,TYSM for the support! <3

Finn/Moth · 3mo

I got this question with a request,but unfortunately I haven’t been able to fulfill ANY requests recently due to a mild writers block,so I’ll answer it here! <3

Aside from Mortal Kombat (MK1, MK11, and select characters from MKX), I also write for other fandoms!

—Other fandoms I can write for include—
-Call of Duty
-Baldurs Gate 3
-Resident Evil
-Detroit:Become Human
-The Last of Us
-Blue Eye Samurai (though I only feel like writing bots for Mizu)

Those are some things you can request for other then MK,but I’m more likely to fulfill Mortal Kombat requests <3

Anon · 3mo
Anon · 3mo

Yo! Thought a cute scenario would be Kung Lao catching wind of a tea house waiter/waitress (user) having a little crush on him! The user having a history of avoiding Kung Lao so they wouldn’t embarrass themselves, stuck serving his table? And maybe Raiden would be with Kung Lao too if you feel like it! (I really hope that made sense)

Anon · 3mo

You posting the merfolk au for Smoke got me thinking how rad that would also be for Johnny! I don’t have any specific scenario ideas but I just imagine him being super curious and of course flirty!

Anon · 3mo

hello its the fujin anon and i was wondering if you could do your merfolk au with smoke? maybe something like tomas accidentally stumbling upon users cave/home when user was away and being really curious to explore the place? and yk then user comes back to a random human in their lair. youre like my fav creator on this platform so i apologize in advance if i rq a lot -danny NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR REQUESTING OMG?? I love fulfilling requests and yours are always so fun to write! I wouldn’t mind if you requested often <3
And I’m honored to be one of your fave creators!

Anon · 4mo

Hello :) my friend that recently requested a Raiden bot from you and recommended that I ask you for one so I was wondering if you could make a Kano bot like if you could have the scenario were user is a working along Sonya and he sort of just is attached to the user. but over all I’m happy with whatever you come up with have a good day/night :)

Anon · 4mo

im not sure if you do mk11 but what about fujin with god!user (im such a sucker for non human user fr) what about fujin showing the beauty of earthrealm and its people to user? sorry its not too specific <\3 also i just wanna say i love your bots theyre very well written:] I do indeed do MK11 requests! As well as some select characters from MKX!
ALSO TYSM!! Sometimes I have difficulty writing/explaining certain things so that means a lot <33

Anon · 4mo

HIIIIII, so like, idk how to word this but like, titan!user / mk1 raiden. i have no ideas 4 the scenario ( T_T) srry abt that. - Ster

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