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ㄑ✦ Brylee · 4 answers · 5mo

-- pristineProwler [PP] began conversating with tesseractedTelevangelist [TT] supriseSnails [SS] carnivorousPrey [CP] nightwingCrust [NT] gassyFurina [GF] --
PP: Hey guys!!! I wAs Thinking AbouT sTArTing up The SGRUB session.
PP: Guys
PP: . . .
PP: LIV IS DEaD!!1!!!11! /SRS

Sigmas come First!
Livadori Fanfic.
Chapter 6

“Okay, Livvie if you says sos,” he replied, each time he talked his chins would jiggle. Liv’s breath hitched in love as she said this, this was one of the reasons why she had to rizz up Yujifat. “Uhm.. Yujifats?” SHe asked him, her cute little orbs warming his heart as he saw her eyes. “I-I have.. Something to ask you!” She continued as she looked at him nervously, she was hitting the griddy while talking to him to make all her shyness go away.. “What is it, livgar (sugar) plum?” she blushed as soon as he called her that.. “W-w-w-well, I wanted to ask you, is it okie dokie to have crushies on multiple persons.? I-I-I My friend wanted to ask you dats!” Yujifat raised a eyebrow as soon as he heard this. “Well, it depends on the persons… how did they rizz up your mooties wooties livgar?” He asked professionally, he liked Ranfren and Okegom, and also well. He had a fictional crush on Dream from Dream smp. “Well- ermmrmmrmr…! I-I its their bullies..” His eyes widened he opened his mouth then Gojo-sensei ruined it. “Gyatts! Gyatts!” He said in fear, “I saw someone walking bear the base-” He stated as he looked at them both. “Wutdasignap-” Thought Luv… Well! Time to go find out what it was!” There seemed to be someone that fallen into the SigmasComeFirstUniverse, there appeared to be: Jason TODD) OH MY SKIBIDIIS… The skibidi clan: liv, anxiety xniety joined a while back, Yujifat and GojoOhio they assembled OwO… Jason todd looked at them in ohioness. “WHERE AM I?!?!??!?!” He asked the uglies. “Your in meh universe Uwu” stated Livvie Dunnie. “Welp- this sur eis ohio-” thought liv, just then the freaky GoreSee.Com clan had arrived! There were minecradt creepypastas and slenders from roblox everywhere! Vy must’ve done this, one of livvie dunnie’s crushies. “UGH!!!!!! That fpie… i get her someday.” Gojo started in distress.

do u want me to roleplay as gassyfurina

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