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ㄑ✦ Brylee · 4 answers · 3mo

Ronine Anne: (plays with Stella’s toes) 🎵ten little piggies run thumpity thud, ten little piggies squish into the mud,🎵Stella: (plays with Ronnie Anne’s toes) 🎵ten little piggies so soft and so sweet, don't you think toes are the best part of feet?🎵 (Singing and wiggling her piggy toes) 🎵Jiggle your piggy toes🎵 Ronnie Anne: (wiggles her piggy toes and sings) 🎵Wiggle your piggy toes🎵 Ronnie Anne and Stella: (Singing and wiggling their piggy toes) 🎵Giggle and wiggle and jiggle your toes🎵 Ronnie Anne: (Singing and wiggling her piggy toes) 🎵Jiggle your piggy toes🎵 Stella: (wiggles her piggy toes and sings) 🎵Wiggle your piggy toes🎵 (putting her feet up to her nose) 🎵Run those sweet piggies right up to your rosy nose.🎵 Ronnie Anne: (putting her feet up to her nose) 🎵Run them right up to your nose🎵 Ronnie Anne and Stella: (Singing and wiggling their piggy toes) 🎵Piggy Toes!🎵 (Ronnie Anne and Stella Giggled and wiggling their 10 little piggies on their feet while tickling and playing footsies with each other)

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