Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 1y

Name one thing about each Seele that you love but people don’t talk about enough

I loooooove how Seele often pauses when speaking ^^)

god that habit of hers make me so ahdjwbsksjavjwfhh because it shows that she’s considering her words very VERY carefully when speaking but it also lets me have fun imagining what she’s currently thinking QWQQQ

for “Seele,” I still think 38-14, that one stage that portrayed what “Seele” would do if Seele dies, is SUCH an underrated stage, I honestly think that people should talk and discuss about it more

“Seele’s” dedication shouldn’t be underestimated, to think that she’d even give up her ‘own’ identity and act as Seele because she can’t accept that she died is AHHIDNSBAHDJFKWJKFK

god I love them so much ^^)

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