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Anonymous Coward · 11d

What’s incredibly cheap and you would pay way more for?

Aksjajs this is such a random question but if I had to answer then maybeeeee my childhood favorite, nieve de garrafa. I rarely find it anymore where I live so I'm willing to pay a shit ton of money

Anonymous Coward · 15d


Anonymous Coward · 20d

is mimi wearing a cowbell collar? 🤤
he looks so cute !! 😈

Hehe yes he is!! It's a cute detail,,, I can imagine the bell ringing nonstop as he's being plowed

Anonymous Coward · 20d

hi Shu! I was going through my gallery and found some really old screenshots and found texts we had from... uh, 2022 hell... chat ? I literally cannot believe I found you by pure luck, I hope you're doing good, I remember you fondly! lots of hugs - Ciel (stitches)

Omgg it's been so long, what a crazy chance to find u again 😭 I'm doing good! And I hope u are as well, hugs hugs 🫂💜

Anonymous Coward · 21d

ur spotmiles art !! 🙌🙌

Anonymous Coward · 27d

I don’t know if you even remember, but I was looking through old messages and I think I know who hotdog guy was

Anonymous Coward · 28d

what quirk would u like to have (can be from mha universe or otherwise) and what do u actually think ur quirk would be based on urself

Ooo I'd like to have Hawk's quirk, I always thought it was cool how creative it is because it isn't /just/ having wings, u can manipulate the individual feathers to do anything

Honestly not sure what a quirk based on myself would be like 😭😭 probably something cat related tho. Like sort of Koda's quirk where he can talk to animals but mine would be only cats. I'd just call any and all cats in the vicinity and mind control them to do whatever :0

Anonymous Coward · 28d


Anonymous Coward · 28d

What would be some of the downsides of certain superpowers?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

do you have any rickorty fic reccs?

Aaaa I don't have many (I don't read fics too often lmao) but I have some to share! Warning for dubcon/noncon

"Made for you" -- this is a rickbot x Morty fic

"Grandpa's good boy" -- Rick drunkenly noncons Morty here

"You, not him" -- Rick is possessive so he fucks Morty

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

what are your favorite rickorty artists on twitter? asking for a friend...

Ohh for a friend yes ofc... here's some of my favs:
Honestly any of the rickorty arts I rt are all amazing and u should follow them !!!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

shota alter boy Mimi hehehe

Heheh shota alter boy Mimi being picked since very young to be the apprentice of Father Miguel (grooming!!!) He's like a puppy following him around awaiting for his next task hehe

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

hellooo hi helloo hihihi!! it’s me peace!! finding the few ppls i recognize still. no new acc and probably wont have a new one! but hi :3

AAAA PEACE 🥹💜💜 HI HELLOO It's so nice to see u even if ur just popping in!! I miss u man but I hope all is well <33

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