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mel · 6mo

different anon. i'm not quite sure what gardner's intelligence theory is but it sounds interesting and would love to hear your opinions

Going mainly off of memory here, but it's a fun little theory I learned about in high school AP psychology that propositions there are 9 types of intelligence rather than just a general concept of intelligence, and people have various strong intelligences while they may struggle in others! Originally the theory proposed 6 I believe but now it's up to 9. The types are:
1. Spatial-visual (thinking in pictures/charts, visualizing, artistic intelligence)
2. Verbal-linguistic (verbose, good writers and speakers, linguistic intelligence)
3. Logical-mathematical (pattern recognition, equations, scientific/mathematical intelligence)
4. Bodily-kinesthetic (motor skills and coordination, hands-on activities, dexterous, body intelligence)
5. Musical (tone recognition, talent for understanding musical structure, musical memory)
6. Interpersonal ("people smart", conflict resolution, communication)
7. Intrapersonal (highly self-aware, introspective, informed on their own reactions and motivations)
8. Existential (awareness of situations, theory, existentialism obviously, philosophy)
9. Naturalistic (natural pattern recognition, also hands-on activities, categorization)

That being said! I'll pick at least one but ideally two strong intelligences for each sinner.

Yi Sang: Logical-mathematical and existential
Faust: Logical-mathematical, probably intrapersonal
Don Quixote: Bodily-kinesthetic
Ryoshu: Spatial-visual
Meursault: Verbal-linguistic (because he's good at memorizing information and informing), intrapersonal
Hong Lu: Interpersonal, spatial-visual
Heathcliff: Bodily-kinesthetic
Ishmael: Naturalistic, verbal-linguistic (also good at memorizing and communicating information, as we've seen a couple times)
Rodion: Bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal
(Bonus- Sonya: Verbal-linguistic, existential)
Sinclair: ... is difficult. Spatial-visual I think.
Outis: Verbal-linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic
Gregor: ALSO hard. Sorry. I'm really not sure I have one that stands out for him. I'd say intrapersonal but Gregor is more like someone who thinks he's self-aware when he genuinely really isn't and bodily-kinesthetic I feel like does not apply to him (and is also kind of a copout at this point)

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