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Mystery Creature · 6mo

For Sinclair I personally think it’s more so been hinted as bodily-kinesthetic than spatial-visual (though it could technically be both), Gregor is definitely the hardest and I almost thought interpersonal, not necessarily because of a good understanding of people but more so his friendly easygoing nature? Even if it is at his own expense oftentimes

OK I WAS GOING TO PUT BODILY-KINESTHETIC FOR SINCLAIR BUT I HAD USED IT FOR SO MANY OF THE SINNERS I WAS STARTING TO BE LIKE "this is starting to feel like a cop-out" but so many of the sinners are so bodily-kinesthetic based!
Also eeeeehhhhhh I mean. Okay. Gregor is easygoing for the most part but he's not really that good with people, he's good with... It's hard to explain. I'm hesitant to say interpersonal because Gregor isn't actually that good at solving conflict he's very much a fawner and he often tries to derail with sarcasm or cynicism, which is... kind of antithetical to having interpersonal intelligence, I feel like? I also think he's been quite a lot more cynical recently in comparison to the earlier cantos but that could just be recency bias I suppose. I'd have to reread every other canto. But imo they've really been leaning especially hard on the "[Gregor] sometimes uses cynical language" part of his sinner description for a little while LOL

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